Mac Pages Keynote

Keynote for Mac, free and safe download. Keynote latest version: Create stunning cinematic presentations on your Mac. Keynote is Apple's flagship presentation program that's easy to use and yet. Keynote for Mac, iOS, and iCloud lets you make dazzling presentations. Anyone can collaborate — even on a PC. And it’s compatible with Apple Pencil. The Mac App Store version of iWork was updated on October 15, 2015 for 10.10 'Yosemite' or newer. It is the final release to support 10.10 'Yosemite' and 10.11 'El Capitan'. Keynote 6.6, Pages 5.6 and Numbers 3.6 are included. IWork received a major update again on March 28, 2019 with Keynote 9.0, Pages 8.0 and Numbers 6.0.

You can simply save the apps in question on an external volume (just in case you may want to use them later), then drag them from your Applications folder to the Trash and empty the Trash. This will remove the applications from the Applications folder.

GarageBand has additional content stored in the Library folder on your system volume:

  • The Instrument Library: /Library/Application Support/GarageBand/
  • The Loops: /Library/Audio/Apple Loops/

If you are not using MainStage or Logic Pro, you may want to delete these folders as well. They can be quite large. But keep them, if you are using other audio applications, where you may want to use them.

There some applications that have a special protection, because they are a part of the system (Photos, Mail, Contacts, etc). These applications should be kept installed, but the applications sold from the AppStore can be uninstalled, no problem. It may just be hard to get them back, because Apple may remove them from the App Store, like it happened with iPhoto. And the older versions (compatible with older system versions may be removed) and only the current version kept available at the APpStore. That is why it is recommended to keep a copy of the application on an external volume.

Mac Pages KeynoteMac

Mac Pages Download

Mac Pages Keynote Download

Jan 26, 2020 3:44 AM